To Daniel Schwabauer and his wife, Carrol, who started The One Year Adventure Novel in 2008, the Summer Workshop is better than Christmas. Ask them about it and their faces light up.
By Gabrielle Schwabauer, Staff Writer:
Do you get burnt out partway through a rough draft because of the numerous story problems you encounter? Whether you set out with a careful outline or write by the seat of your pants, it may help to tune your ear to your own internal voice.
Daniel Beals, Guest Contributor:
Life is full of changes. One of those big changes happens around 17 to 21 years of age—the transition from teen to adult. I’m not going to tell you what you should do during this transition, or how to think about it after it happens. What I want to share is how it changed me.
Adrienne Niceley, Guest Contributor:
There comes a point in your journey as a writer when it's time to move forward. Getting out into the realm of other conferences gives you new perspectives that will benefit you hugely in your career.