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A Week of Wonder!

Young writers. Amazing speakers.


There is so much for young writers at our Summer Creative Writing Workshop: Going deeper in understanding fiction and how to write it… learning from published authors, agents, and publishers… receiving in-person feedback and support in a small critique group… getting to meet other One Year Adventure Novel students. We want you to come!


MidAmerica Nazarene University2030 E. College Way, Olathe, Kansas 66062

Sessions are held in the Tollefson conference room of the beautiful Cunningham Center on the MNU campus. There is plenty of seating for all. Side rooms and a relaxing lounge area provide spaces for critique groups and the optional breakout sessions on specialized writing topics.

Get directions »

View map of the campus »

Featured Speaker

Katherine Briggs

Katherine is a former One Year Adventure Novel student and an award-winning author. She crafted her first monster story at age three and continued to write throughout her youth. Post high school, she graduated in Craftsman Fiction from Jerry B. Jenkin’s Christian Writers Guild with her fifth novel.

Katherine has been honored to accept over fifteen short story and article publications, including Havok Publishing and SFWA-qualifying Mysterion. Additionally, she is humbled to have stories final in the Christian Writer’s Guild Operation First Novel contest and the Realm Makers Realm Awards short fiction category, and for stories to win first place in the American Christian Fiction Writers First Impressions contest in the speculative category and first place in the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Foundation Awards category for unpublished speculative novel.

Katherine, her wonderful co-adventurer husband John, and rescue dog Mercy reside outside Houston, Texas, where they love to read, run, explore, practice their second language, and spend time with friends and families.

Katherine’s debut YA fantasy duology, The Eternity Gate (2023) and The Immortal Abyss (2024) were published by Enclave Publishing. You can learn more about her work at her website:

More Speakers!

Nadine Brandes

Nadine once spent four days as a sea cook in the name of book research. She is the Carol-Award winning author of Wishtress, Fawkes, Romanov, and the Out of Time Series. Her newest release is The Nightmare Virus and her inner fangirl perks up at the mention of soul-talk, Quidditch, bookstagram, and Oreos. When she’s not busy writing novels about bold living, she’s adventuring through Middle Earth or taste-testing a new chai. Nadine, her Auror husband, and their Halfling children are building a Tiny House on wheels. Current mission: paint the world in shalom.

Keep up with Nadine at

Stephanie Morrill

Stephanie Morrill Speaking | Summer Creative Writing WorkshopStephanie Morrill lives in Overland Park, Kansas, with her husband and three kids. She writes books about girls who are on an adventure to discover their unique place in the world—girls like Evalina Cassano, in Stephanie’s latest release, Within These Lines, a WW II era novel set in San Francisco; and Piper Sail, heroine of The Lost Girl of Astor Street, a jazz-age mystery set in 1920s Chicago.

Previous books from Stephanie include the Ellie Sweet series, Go Teen Writers: How to Turn Your First Draft Into a Published Book, and The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series. Stephanie enjoys encouraging and teaching teen writers on her blog,

To connect with Stephanie and read samples of her books, check out

John Otte

John is a life-long writer. He started with badly drawn comic books in the fifth grade. When he realized that he was a lousy artist, he moved on to badly-written novels in middle school. He’s tried his hand at screenplays, stage plays, fanfic, teen mysteries, and religious fiction. But his first love has always been speculative fiction.

His debut novel, Failstate, was published by Marcher Lord Press, and was a finalist for the Christy Awards. He has gone on to publish five more novels, two of which (Numb and Failstate: Legends) were Christy finalists as well. His latest novel, Drawn in Ash, came to life at the 2017 OYAN Summer Workshop.

John looks forward to telling even more strange tales that point people back to God and His incredible grace.

Learn more about John’s work at his website:

Daniel Schwabauer – “Mr. S.”

“Mr. S.” is the creator of The One Year Adventure Novel, Cover Story, Byline, and Other Worlds creative writing curricula and the author of Operation Grendel (2020), Maxine Justice: Galactic Attorney (2022), and The God of Story (released in February 2025). He is also the author of a series for young readers: Runt the Brave, Runt the Hunted, and The Curse of the Seer. Mr. Schwabauer is a compelling speaker and loves to share his passion for Story.

Daniel has taught in many venues including various writers’ conferences, homeschool conferences, classrooms, and co-ops.

He was once asked if he would like to be the next C.S. Lewis. He replied, “I’d rather train a thousand C.S. Lewises.”

He has a Masters in creative writing from the University of Kansas and a Doctorate in Theology in semiotics from Kairos University.

Check back for more speakers!

Video or audio recording of any part of the sessions is strictly prohibited. This includes cell phone and pocket-camera videos. Please respect this policy.

Videos taken during free time are permitted as long as all participants agree to be filmed. (Photos are welcome.)

Mentor Appointments – FREE

Students may request a 20-minute appointment with a speaker/mentor. The mentors are not intimidating! These appointments are designed to give young writers a “practice agent appointment” so they can get used to pitching their story idea to an agent or publisher, but it is also fine for students just to ask questions about writing, the industry, etc.

These Mentor Appointments are optional and limited in number, so students may only reserve one ticket each.

FAQ about Mentor Appointments »

How to Attend

STEP 1: Sign Legal Waiver Form.

You need this ready before you can register. You can find the form below.

STEP 2: Purchase Your Workshop Registration Ticket.

Student tickets are sale price through February 14; they are regular price February 15 through April 20. A $100 late fee applies after April 20.

STEP 3: Purchase Other Tickets

Other tickets (Lodging & Meals for dorm guests, Meal Plan for off-site attendees, Shuttle, and Mentor Appointment) do not have to be purchased at the same time as your registration ticket. However, ticket sales close May 5. Please be aware that the Girls’ Dorm spots will go quickly, and they could sell out.

STEP 4: Sign MNU Waiver Form.

We will make this available at a later date. You do not need this to register, but you will need to sign it and submit it to the college before arriving.

Registration Costs

Early Bird!


Early-bird sale price

Good through
February 14, 2025

Regular Price


Regular ticket price

February 15, 2025
– April 20, 2025

Late Reg.


Late registration

April 20, 2025

Please note:

• The price includes a workshop t-shirt.
• Parents may register for $50 each (see Parents and Siblings section).
• Siblings (non-students under 13) attend FREE, if accompanying registered parent.
• Siblings 13 or older must register as students.
• Siblings under 13 and parents may not attend student critique groups nor mentor sessions.
Registering as a student after April 20 will incur a $100 late fee.

FAQ about student eligibility » 

Waiver Form

We require a signed Legal Waiver for each student. Students are required to upload their signed Legal Waiver form in order to register. It is one page, and you can download it using the button below or download it directly in the Student Registration ticket form. A PDF upload is preferred, but photo files are also accepted. (We do NOT accept them by mail or email.)

If you are under 18 years old, you need to have your parent or guardian sign the waiver; if you are 18 or older, you must sign it yourself for legal purposes. If the student is over 18 but still lives at home, we also require the parent or guardian’s signature as confirmation that they have read the document.

Additionally, MNU is also required to have a signed waiver from every attendee. Yes, this means signing two waivers. We will make the MNU waiver available to you at a later date. The MNU waiver need not be completed before you register, but you must submit it to the college before arriving.

Cancellation Policy

We will comply with all COVID guidelines set in place by the state of Kansas and by our host location, MidAmerica Nazarene University (MNU).

If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible! Every person impacts our planning.

We will offer a full refund (minus PayPal/credit card fees) for cancellations made by end of day on May 5. If you need to at a later date, let us know before 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 5 in order to receive an 85% refund.

We know that things happen and want you to have peace of mind. Because of this, we are offering special leniency in regards to our cancellation policy if you need to cancel due to emergencies that are out of your control. If you are unable to attend due to cancelled flights, illnesses (COVID-19 or otherwise), or other last-minute emergencies, please get in contact with us at to discuss your situation.

Parents & Siblings

There is a small registration fee for parents who accompany their student(s) to the Summer Workshop. This will help to offset some of the costs incurred providing various services to you during the week. It is only $50 for the entire week. We look forward to meeting new parents and seeing those who’ve attended previously!

The $50 ticket applies to any parent who will be participating on-site at any level (i.e., sitting in on any workshop sessions, attending Open Mic Night, attending parent sessions, etc.), whether staying in MNU accommodation or off-site. Siblings under age 13 remain free.

If you have any questions about how this affects your family, please get in touch!

Family Participation

There will be seating in the Tollefson conference room (located in the Cunningham Center) for parents and siblings. We request that non-students sit in the back.

Parents and siblings are not permitted to sit in on student critique groups or mentor appointments.

Attending parents/siblings may stay on-site in the dorms and eat meals with us in the cafeteria (see On-Campus Lodging & Meals). Alternatively, there are several hotels near campus, and you may bring a sack lunch (can’t be eaten in the cafeteria) or grab something at a local restaurant.

I have attended five of the OYAN workshops with my children and each one is better than the last. As a parent, I attend the workshop sessions so I can provide better feedback to my writer children. But there is always something that I hear that is intended just for me. My favorite thing about the Summer Workshop? The glow on my children’s faces when they are spending time with their favorite people—learning, laughing, crying, dancing—sword-fighting, too. Best family vacation ever.

Kristine H., parent-educator

On-Campus Lodging & Meals

MNU opens dorm-style housing and cafeteria meals to workshop attendees and their families. Meals provided by the college and a spot in the dorms must be ordered in advance and as one accommodation through the following tickets:

  • Lodging & Meals ticket for $400 per person (student or family member) for those staying in the dorms.
  • Meal Plan ticket for $185 per person (student or family member) for those staying off campus.

In the past, the university has graciously worked with us to accommodate those in our group who want a spot in the dorms without a meal plan. However, the university’s position is that they will no longer be able to do so. We are unable to offer a dorm spot without the meal plan and will not be able make exceptions

Alternatively, you are welcome to book a hotel room or suite with a kitchenette. There is seating outside the MNU cafeteria if you would like to eat on campus. (See Hotels and Off-Site Services and Policies FAQ.)


Boys’ and Girls’ Dorms

The Lodging & Meals ticket secures one twin bed in a shared dorm room containing two twin beds. Pillows, bed linens, blankets and towels will be provided by the school.

Please note:

• Students under the age of 18 may not leave campus without their parent or legal guardian.

• Students 18 and older do NOT constitute legal guardians.

Cooking is not allowed in the Girls’ Dorm or Boys’ Dorm under any circumstances; there are no kitchens.

• Coolers are NOT permitted in the Girls’ Dorm or Boys’ Dorm. If your student needs to have refrigerated items for health reasons, please contact us.


• When purchasing your Lodging & Meals ticket, you will be asked to request a roommate. If you have no preference, or don’t know yet, fill the space in as N/A. If you decide you would like to request a roommate after purchasing, you may fill out the Roommate Request form. (Please do not submit the Roommate Request form if you have not yet purchased a Lodging & Meals ticket.) A request by both parties must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. Central on May 5. We can’t guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your request, but we will do our best!

• Unless notified otherwise through the Lodging & Meals ticket or the Roommate Request form, we assume that same-gender family members in the Boys’ Dorm and Girls’ Dorm do NOT wish to be roomed together. (Moms and dads who do not request to be roomed with their daughter or son will be roomed with another same-gender parent.) But we will put you on the same floor.

• We do not permit more than 2 students to share a room in the Boys’ Dorm or Girls’ Dorm. We also do not take requests for adjoining rooms. We only take roommate requests.

Family Dorms

The Lodging & Meals ticket secures one twin bed in a shared dorm room containing two twin beds and must be purchased for each guest. When purchasing your Lodging & Meals ticket, you will be asked to request a roommate. Pillows, bed linens, blankets and towels will be provided by the school.

We reserve separate halls or buildings for families, so that family members can stay together as dorm space permits. Usually, Family Rooms are on a long floor with two shared bathrooms: one designated for men and one for women.

Some years we have also had access to a different building with suites. Suites contain 2 or 3 bedrooms with a shared living space, kitchen, and bathroom. They are, essentially, a small apartment. Since MNU provides meals for the whole week to attendees staying on-site, cooking is not allowed in the Family Dorm under any circumstances.  If we place a family in a suite, we consider gender and number of people to the bathroom.

Students must be accompanied by a parent or other family member 20 years of age or older to stay in a Family Dorm Room. Alternatively, families may stay off-campus (see Hotels).

FAQ about dorms » 


All attendees have the option to eat meals in the cafeteria.

Attendees staying off campus may purchase the Meal Plan ticket for $185. If you are staying in the dorms, the Lodging & Meals ticket covers your meals in the MNU cafeteria. Both tickets provide dinner Monday evening, three meals per day Tuesday through Friday, and breakfast on Saturday. 

While you will be given a selection of dietary choices, including dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan options, we cannot guarantee accommodation for severe food allergies. If you and/or your student have severe food allergies or a restrictive diet that prevent dining in the cafeteria, please see the Special Dietary Needs section below.

This is a 100% nut-free event – NO exceptions. One of our OYAN students wrote an excellent blog post which provides important context to our strict nut-free policy.

FAQ about health » 

Special Dietary Needs

Attendees who would like to stay in the dorms without accessing the cafeteria will still need to purchase a Lodging & Meals ticket. Please note that we are unable to provide a discount or refund for the meal portion.

If you have severe dietary restrictions that prevent you from eating in the MNU cafeteria, even with the dietary options they offer, we recommend booking a hotel suite with a kitchenette (see Hotels and Off-Site Services and Policies FAQ).


Parents and families, especially those with serious food allergies, may prefer to stay in a nearby hotel. Candlewood Suites in South Olathe is about a 10-12 minute drive to MNU and offers some suites with kitchenettes.

However, there are other hotels in Olathe. Searching “hotels in Olathe, Kansas” is the best way to get accommodation details and up-to-date pricing.

FAQ about off-site services »

Families may prefer to rent a car for their stay. The greater Kansas City area does not have a good public transportation system.

Airport Shuttle Service

The airport shuttle provides pick-up service from Kansas City International airport (KCI; but the flight code is MCI) to the workshop on Monday, June 9, and return service to KCI from Olathe on Saturday, June 14. Shuttle service may be handled by a reputable third party.

The Kansas City airport has a wide variety of amenities as well as a much more convenient place for students to meet the One Year Adventure Novel student representative who will be their terminal greeter!

If this is your first Summer Workshop, we highly recommend watching the video linked below, which gives you a tour of the airport so that you will have some familiarity with the building when you arrive. We especially recommend watching from 10:03 – 10:50, which covers arrivals, what the luggage carousels look like, and where you will be meeting your terminal greeter who will ensure that students get on the correct shuttle.

Watch the KCI terminal tour »

To take advantage of the shuttle service, you must purchase a shuttle ticket by 11:59 p.m. Central on May 5, 2025. You will need your flight information to purchase the ticket.

An Airport Shuttle Ticket is $105 per person, in advance, and includes pick-up from and return to KCI. If you only need a one-way shuttle, enter “N/A” in any fields that don’t apply to you and then email us at to request a 50 percent refund.

FAQ about shuttles »

*Shuttle Details

Please consider the shuttle service times listed below when scheduling your flights. We will try to coordinate pick-up and return times with your schedule, but you may encounter some wait time at the airport. Bring a snack or money to buy one.

On Monday, June 9, the shuttle service will run between noon and 5:00 p.m.

On Saturday, June 14, the shuttle service will run between 7:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m.

We cannot provide transportation for flights that depart before 9:00 a.m. Central. If your flight is earlier, you will need to make your own transportation arrangements.

Please also keep in mind that your dorm parent will have to wake up early to check you out and collect your dorm key and meal card. Please do your best to delay checkout until 6:00 a.m.

If you choose a late afternoon/evening flight on Saturday, you will have a long wait at the airport. 

Please note that the shuttle is something we coordinate as a service to you. We do not make money off of the shuttle service. Usually what we collect from attendees for this does not fully cover the costs we incur. This shuttle service is NOT AVAILABLE to and from other locations in the Kansas City area.

If you have any questions about flight scheduling, please contact us prior to purchasing your flight tickets.

Students at a Summer Creative Writing Workshop.


• General Schedule •


• Check-in opens at 3:00 p.m. at the Cunningham Center; settle into dorms and meet people.
Dinner in the cafeteria from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. (for Lodging & Meals ticket or Meal Plan ticket holders).
The evening session begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Cunningham Center with an orientation (mandatory), followed by fun, visiting, and games until curfew.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

9:00 a.m. through evening session


• 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – Breakfast (for Lodging & Meals ticket or Meal Plan ticket holders)
• Check out of dorms by 9:00 a.m. Leave the MNU campus by noon. Cry. Determine to name all of your kids after fellow OYANers.

• Daily Schedule •

7:00 – 8:00 a.m. – Breakfast

9:30 a.m. – Noon – 2 sessions with a short intermission

Noon – 1:00 p.m. – Lunch

1:30 – 4:00 p.m. – Student critique groups

1:50 – 3:30 p.m. – Mentoring appointments (ticket required)

1:30 – 2:30 p.m. – Optional parent sessions (Tuesday only: Meet-and-Greet organized by some of the veteran OYAN parents.)

4:00 – 6:00 p.m. – Free time

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. – Dinner

7:00 – 9:30 p.m. – 2 sessions with intermission

9:30 – 11:30 p.m. – Free time.

11:30 p.m. – Check in with your dorm parent and remain on your dorm floor.

• Open Mic Night •

Do you play an instrument? Have you written a funny skit or song? Do you juggle or dance? We would love to see your special talents at the Summer Workshop! Over the years, our Open Mic Night has become a favorite workshop tradition for our attendees and we enjoy seeing our student writers’ additional talents on display.

In order to be considered for participation, you must submit your act by 11:59 PM Central Time on May 5, 2025. (We do not accept submissions via email or any other method.) You will receive a reply by May 16.

What Should I Bring?

Please bring 8 copies each of 4 different excerpts from your novel for critiquing. The excerpts should be 4 pages long and must be formatted as described in your textbook, The Compass (double-spaced, 12 point Courier New or Times New Roman, one-inch margins on all sides, name and number in header, etc.) The excerpts should be collated and stapled, and should be identical.

The 4 excerpts we recommend bringing are:

  1. The first four pages of your novel
  2. Four pages from your “Embracing Destiny” chapter
  3. Four pages from your “Black Moment” chapter
  4. Four pages from your “Showdown” chapter.

Please do not bring poetry, fan fiction, or screen plays to the Summer Workshop.

FAQ about Critique Groups »

Excerpt Content

Your novel must be free of offensive content (especially of a sexual or gratuitously violent nature). While we respect the right of authors to create honest stories, we also respect the right of readers to retain their innocence. We therefore reserve our right, exercised through the critique group leader, to not include discussion of any novel deemed to be offensive to a general audience.

Spending Money

No need to bring money for a workshop t-shirt. Workshop shirts are included in the price of your Student Registration ticket.

We will have books, curriculum materials, and other t-shirts for sale during the week. T-shirts will be discounted to $15 from $18. Cover Story, BylineOne Year Adventure Novel , and the Other Worlds sets will be discounted by $20.

We accept cash and all cards.

Supervision of Students

There will be adults at all official events.

While there will be adults present at events, we CANNOT personally “parent” every child. Students are expected to stay with the group at all times during the workshop (unless, of course, they are with their parents/guardian).

If you send your student you are saying that you trust them to follow the stated guidelines, and to act responsibly and appropriately.

Any violation of guidelines regarding conduct may result in the student losing workshop privileges and being sent home early at the parent’s expense. The safety and respect of all attendees is our top-priority.

NOTE: Younger siblings of registered students (under 13 years old) may not be dropped off at events, but must be accompanied by an adult who is specifically responsible for the child(ren).

If you have any questions, please email us at

Student Helpers

In order to apply, you must:

• Be 18 or older
• Have attended at least one Summer Workshop
• Stay on-site in the boys’ dorm or girls’ dorm, NOT the family dorm
• Assist Dorm Parent with nightly check-in (11:15 p.m. – 11:45 p.m.)
• Be able to arrive at MNU by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, and stay until 10:30 a.m. on Saturday.
• Have a working cell phone
• Be on call for staff and dorm parents

This year’s Student Helpers receive a discount on Lodging & Meals. If you purchase your Lodging & Meals ticket before learning that you have received a Student Helper position, we will refund your order for the discount.

Student Helpers have the full workshop experience, but are “on-call” to:

Help first-time workshop attendees get oriented when they check in on Monday.

As a Student Helper, you will have attended at least one Summer Workshop before—which means you know where things are on campus. Help people carry their luggage. Direct them to their dorm room, and answer any other questions they may have. If you don’t know the answers, you will at least know who to ask.

Help dorm parents check students in/out at curfew and after breakfast (before the 1st session)

This will be your most important task. If one of the dorm parents comes to you and asks for your help with anything, that is your job. It may be as simple as walking with them on their nightly bed-check, or you may need to go get something from their car for them. Whatever it is, you will be responsible for helping them with a smile and a good attitude.

Convey messages

Sometimes, staff and dorm parents will need a trusted messenger to relay important information and details. They may request your help.

Apply by 11:59 p.m. Central on April 20, 2025. You will receive a reply by April 30.


Partial Scholarships

Mr. & Mrs. S. donate a limited number of partial scholarships for students demonstrating financial need.

The discount is issued in the form of a partial refund on the student registration ticket, so you can go ahead and purchase your ticket. If you prefer to wait until you receive a decision, that is also fine, but please be aware that the sale price on registration is only available through February 14, and you may not receive a reply until April 30.

Please note:

• Students accepted as Student Helpers are not eligible for a scholarship because the Student Helper position already includes a discount.
• Applying for a scholarship does not guarantee that you will receive a discount.

You must apply by 11:59 p.m. Central on April 20, 2025, to be considered. You will receive a reply by April 30.

Donate to the Scholarship Fund

Would you like to donate to the scholarship fund to give more students the experience of the Summer Workshop? You can choose to donate $10, $25, $50, $100, or the full cost of a Student Registration ticket. Every little bit helps!

Dorm Parents

We, as staff, rely on Dorm Parents to help monitor curfews, ensure that students make it to the sessions, and “filter” student concerns. To be considered, you must have previously attended a Summer Workshop.

Dorm Parent Responsibilities:

    1. Be available on your floor by 10:30 p.m. so that the students under your care can check in before the 11:30 curfew. Your assigned Student Helper will report to you to help out at 11:15 p.m.
    2. Make a round in the morning (around 8:45) before the 9:00 a.m. session begins, to make sure students are not in their rooms.
    3. Inform staff promptly of any health, safety, or relational concerns among the students under your care.
    4. Be willing to report any observed SW guidelines violation by any student at any time.
    5. Be able to attend a Dorm Parent briefing meeting at 5:00 p.m. on the SW check-in date. (If this is impossible do to flight or travel time, etc., please make other arrangements via email BEFORE that day.)

We usually receive more requests than available slots, so it is impossible for everyone who applies to be selected. You must reply by 11:59 p.m. Central on April 20, 2025. Selected applicants will receive a reply by April 30.

Note on Workshop Content

The One Year Adventure Novel curriculum is nonsectarian, and is approved for purchase with public funding. It is a writing program, not religious instruction. However, the instructor himself is a Christian, and everything taught in the course is compatible with a biblical worldview. The workshop speakers come from a Christian perspective; and some of the teaching sessions may include Christian themes and/or references.

Being a Christian is not a requirement for attendance, and the focus of the event is on writing, but this workshop may not be the best fit if you are not comfortable with Christian themes or relevant expressions of personal faith being woven into some of the speakers’ talks.

If you have any questions, please contact us; we are happy to talk with you. Our goal is to train and support teen writers. We want every young writer who attends our workshop to have a positive experience!

Points of Interest

Olathe is a suburb of Kansas City, and there is a lot to do in the Kansas City metro area. If you’re interested in researching things to do in the area simply Google “Kansas City attractions.” An exhaustive list of places of interest—though we did attempt it—is beyond the scope of this web page. 😉

Kansas City

The Country Club Plaza – KC

The Nelson-Atkins Art Museum

National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial

Union Station

Kansas City Museum Science City (for kids)

The Arabia Steamboat Museum

Negro Leagues Baseball Museum

American Jazz Museum

Toy & Miniature Museum of KC

American Royal (rodeo, horse shows, etc.)

The John Wornall House Museum

The Oak Park Mall

Johnson County Museum


Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm

Heritage Park

Olathe Lake

Cedar Lake

Special Thanks

Special thanks to MidAmerica Nazarene University for partnering with us to host our annual Summer Workshop.

WARNING: Prolonged exposure to this special week may cause Workshop Withdrawal.

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