Daniel Schwabauer
It probably takes something like Banned Books Week to remind us of the importance of reading, to say nothing of the importance of free speech and the freedom of the press.
Daniel Schwabauer
A student recently asked me how a writer decides what to describe and what to ignore when writing fiction. Do I mention the trees? The buildings? The people? Do I describe them in detail, or just give each a few words. How much is too much?
Daniel Schwabauer
Pratchett is a terrific storyteller, and Nation is a terrific novel. The novel is a worth-while read and beautifully crafted. It's also funny. And sombre. When I put it down, I wanted to pick it up again. What a disappointment then when I realized the heart of the novel is an old lie—one that is common to sci-fi and almost as old as humanity.
Daniel Schwabauer
Kipling's prose songs are really the melodies of Wisdom's laughing little cousin, Innocence. They will make you sigh, smile and think—at the same time.
Daniel Schwabauer
After meeting Ms. Cheaney at a local book signing in Kansas City, I was delighted to read My Friend the Enemy, a young adult novel set during the turbulent years of WWII.