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“I love to write. What should I study in college?”

Interview with Erynn Besse Many young writers wrestle with whether or not to study creative writing (or professional writing, or English literature, etc.,) at a college level. We asked Erynn Besse, winner of our 2013 Novel Contest, to tell us about her college choices. Erynn is a gifted writer, deeply invested in her craft, but also passionate about other fields of study.
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Why Writing Lessons and Workshops Aren’t Enough

Kyle de Waal, Guest Contributor Kyle de Waal gave a speech during the 2013 Summer Workshop, challenging the members of the extended One Year Adventure Novel community to put their gifts and training to use. It was so provoking we asked him for a written version we could post here for those of you who didn’t get to hear it (and everyone who needs reminding again!).
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