A copy of your quiz results will be sent to the email address you provide. You may want to email it to your teacher/parent, for example. Please enter your email: 1. ______ are active words that move your story forward. Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Pronouns 2. Why should you search for adverbs in your rough draft? Because they are usually found in intense scenes that are worth extra attention. Because they are the mark of strong writing and should therefore be used for the maximum impact. Because they usually indicate a weak, dull, or uninteresting verb. Because they usually indicate a weak, dull, or uninteresting clause. Because they are usually found in dialogue, and dialogue always needs extra editing. 3. What do “was + ing” or “is + ing” combinations usually indicate? Dialogue tags Passive voice Narratorial voice Scene transitions Summary that should be dialogue 4. Which font size should you use? 12 pt. 14 pt. 10 pt. 11 pt. 5. Traditionally, which font has been preferred? Courier Garamond Helvetica Arial Trebuchet 6. What is the correct spacing setting between lines? Single space (1) 1.5 spaces Double space (2) 7. Using colorful paper will make your story stand out and ensure it is read by an editor. True False 8. What has been the main influence on the development of these standards about spacing (size of margins, line spacing, printing on one side of the paper, etc.)? The limitations of printing technology The need for space to write comments The belief that monosyllabic fonts and use of negative space are more aesthetically pleasing. The human disposition to be less critical the more white is visible. The number of agents, editors, and publishers who used to use typewriters and are therefore favorably disposed to manuscripts that resemble typewritten documents. 9. Editors, agents, and publishers expect this manuscript formatting because they want to see that authors will abide by rules, no matter how arbitrary they may be. True False 10. Please enter your first and last name. (This field has no point value; we ask for your name so we can forward you your results if you do not receive an email copy.) Loading … Share this:FacebookX