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To read contest guidelines, visit the Student Novel Contest page.

    Pick the genre that best describes your novel. If you're unsure, consider looking at genre descriptions in Novel Critiques on the Student Forum.
  • Synopsis

  • Include a one- to two-paragraph synopsis for your novel. Feel free to use the synopsis you created during the first semester. This synopsis will appear with your novel in the showcase listing.
  • File

  • Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 49 MB.
  • Author Affirmation:

  • My entry for the 2024 One Year Adventure Novel Student Contest is attached. The book I am submitting is an original novel of my own creation for which I own the copyright. You have my permission to post it with the synopsis above on your Student Forum, and/or post the title and synopsis on your website, until I ask you to remove it. I agree to respect the decision of the judge(s).
  • Third-person POV Affirmation:

  • If this is your second or later OYAN novel, you are permitted to write in third-person point of view (POV). YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE SUBMITTED YOUR FIRST NOVEL TO THE CONTEST. The only requirement is that you have written a first-person novel with OYAN before this novel. If the above is the case, have your parent or guardian sign: "I verify that my student has completed an OYAN novel in first-person and is thus eligible to submit this third-person novel to the OYAN Student Contest."

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