Myth Understood (Mr. S. ) | Mysteries & Plot Twists (Stephanie Morrill) | Perfectionism with a Perfect Creator (Nadine Brandes) | The Rise of the Artificial (Allen Arnold) | A Tragic Beauty (Mr. S.) | The Language of Storytelling (Nadine Brandes) | How to Create Effective Scenes (Stephanie Morrill) | BREAKOUT: The Quest Begins (Allen Arnold) | Everyone Else in Your Novel (Stephanie Morrill) | Creating Stories in the Chaos Storms (Allen Arnold) | The New Archetypes (Mr.S.) | Leaving Your Readers Guessing (Megan Gerig) | BREAKOUT: The Plot Thickens (Allen Arnold) | Story Structures (John Otte) | The Non-Negotiables (John Otte) | Rediscovering Joy in Your Creativity (Megan Gerig) | BREAKOUT: The Final Battle (Allen Arnold) | Beowulf and the Green Lady of Shalott (Mr. S.)