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Lodging & Meals


A Lodging & Meals ticket reserves the following:

  • One twin bed in a shared room containing 2 twin beds with pillows, bed linens, blankets, and towels. (We offer a Boys’ Dorm, Girls’ Dorm, and Family Dorm.)
  • One meal plan in the MNU cafeteria, which includes dinner Monday evening, three meals per day Tuesday–Friday, and breakfast on Saturday.

We cannot guarantee accommodation for severe food allergies in the cafeteria.

Please note that unless notified otherwise via this ticket or the Roommate Request form, we assume that related people in the Boys’ and Girls’ Dorm do NOT wish to be roomed together.

If you need to reserve more than one Lodging & Meals accommodation, please return to this ticket page to order another one. We apologize for the inconvenience.

"*" indicates required fields

We will organize ticket information by the email address you enter here, meaning that you must enter this SAME email address for any other tickets YOU buy for the Summer Workshop. (Other family members buying their own tickets should list their own email addresses, not the same one as you.)
Please list first/given and last/family name. The person's forum name is not sufficient. You may only list one person.
Please indicate your agreement:*
Please choose a dietary plan:*
Please note this is a 100% nut-free event. No nuts or nut-based products will be served in the cafeteria. Additionally: WE CANNOT ACCOMMODATE SEVERE FOOD ALLERGIES.
Use this space to briefly tell us anything more we should know about the ticket holder's dietary needs or allergies. If we have concerns about Mid-America University's ability to accommodate your needs, we will contact you.
  • Total

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