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Who knew writing could be so much fun?

Earn an English credit. | Unlock your inner genius. | Foster a love of writing.


Writing Programs:

One Year Novel

One Year Novel High School Writing Curriculum

High School

Award-winning author Daniel Schwabauer leads students through the process of writing their own novel. Both eager writers and reluctant writers can have their skills transformed! In-depth video teaching and several support resources.

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NEW: Other Worlds!

Other Worlds: Science Fiction and Fantasy writing curriculum

High School

Other Worlds: Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction – This is a BRAND NEW, greatly expanded curriculum! With TRIPLE the video lessons, an added textbook, and more, this program takes students through the unique qualities of both fantasy and science fiction. Pre-requisite: The One Year Adventure Novel

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Cover Story

Cover Story Writing - Middle School Writing Curriculum

Middle School 

Cover Story writing students are led, step by step, through the process of creating content for their own magazine. They write short stories, nonfiction articles, poems, and many other short pieces.
Engaging DVD lessons!

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High School

Byline puts students in the role of a 1930s-era newspaper reporter as they dig up stories from the past. Daniel Schwabauer guides them into compelling journalistic writing. In the process, students are equipped to write great academic essays!

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“Daniel Schwabauer is one of the most insightful, inspiring teachers I have encountered. The concepts he taught me have changed the way I approach writing—both creatively and analytically.”

FREE Book for Homeschoolers

Curiosity Saved the Cat:
How to instill a life-long love of learning in your student.
Four steps to a fascinated student: you’ll see how and why children learn to love learning.
This e-book provides methods and mindsets woven throughout Mr. Schwabauer’s programs that have helped countless students and parents.
You have the answers. Are you asking the right questions?
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