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You can purchase Byline under a Household License, a Group License (includes study groups), or a Charter License. Read about the license agreements to find out which type of license fits your situation.

If you need to change your license type or have unusual circumstances not covered by the information below, please contact us. We are happy to help you figure out the best fit!

Household License Agreement

Applies to:

  • Anyone purchasing for use exclusively with a student in their immediate family in the context of their own home (Student Kits for additional immediate family members can be ordered at any time).
  • Anyone purchasing through a charter organization that does not retain rights to the non-consumable materials. (See Charter License.)


  • The Household License does not expire; it doesn’t need to be renewed. (If you use the Cloud video streaming service, you renew your Cloud access for $39/year, but your license does not need to be renewed.)
  • You can order a new Student Kit at any time.


  • Students must be in your immediate family in the same residence. Close friends, cousins, etc., meeting in your home do not constitute immediate family members.
  • Photocopying or other duplication is not permitted.
  • Additional students need their own Student Kit to use the curriculum.
  • The video lessons in this curriculum, whether on DVDs or accessed through the Cloud video streaming service, may not be shown publicly, including to small groups within your home, without purchase of a Group License.

Group License Agreement

You can find additional help on the How to Use Our Programs in a Co-op or Group and Purchase Orders pages.

Applies to:

  • Students following the curriculum together who are not of a single household, even if the group comprises only two students or meets informally in a home.
  • Schools and co-ops


  • A Group License is valid for one year; this year is intended to cover one group of students completing the curriculum together; if the group of students takes longer than a year, the license will expire when they finish.
  • The cost of renewing an expired Group License is covered by the purchase of new Group Student Kits for the students in the new class. A small fee is included in the price of each Group Student Kit. This way the license renewal fee is distributed evenly between all the students.
  • Gaps in use are fine. You can renew a Group License even if one or more years have elapsed since it expired.


  • A Group License covers one group/class of students.
  • Purchase of new Group Student Kits is required.
  • Photocopying or other duplication is not permitted. Each student must have their own new materials.
  • If the group is using DVDs, all video viewing must happen together in the same location. If the group is using Cloud video streaming, where each student has their own Cloud video access, video-viewing may be done by students at home as homework, so that class time is maximized for other activities.
  • The video lessons in this curriculum, whether on DVDs or accessed through the Cloud video streaming servicemay not be played publicly or privately except by the class/group covered by the Group License.

Charter License Agreement

Special Note to Parents of Charter Students

Before you order through a charter, please read through the license information below.

When a charter school orders a curriculum set from us, they have two choices as far as how their orders are licensed. We contact the charter about choosing a license agreement.

The majority of charter schools choose Charter Licensing because they have to treat non-consumables as charter assets. Please note that unless your charter school gives you full and indefinite rights to the materials (which is rare), your student will be using the curriculum under the charter’s one-year Charter License.

You can find additional help on the Purchase Orders page.

Applies to:

  • Students using our programs through a charter school that retains the right to the non-consumable materials.


  • A Charter License is valid for one year; this year is intended to cover one charter student completing the curriculum; if the student takes longer than a year, the license will expire when they finish.
  • The cost of renewing an expired Charter License is covered by the purchase of new Group Student Kit for the new charter student. A small fee is included in the price of each Group Student Kit.
  • Gaps in use are fine. You can renew a Charter License even if one or more years have elapsed since it expired.


  • Purchase of a new Group Student Kit is required to use non-consumables returned to the charter after use.
  • Photocopying or other duplication is not permitted. Each student must have their own new materials.
  • The video lessons in this curriculum, whether on DVDs or accessed through the Cloud video streaming servicemay not be played publicly or privately except by the student covered by the Charter License.
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